During arrival and dismissal, please remember that our primary concern is SAFETY. Our school staff is on the grounds to assist with the arrival and dismissal process. Please follow their directions, and above all else, be PATIENT. The loading and unloading area along Fourth Street is congested during arrival and dismissal and it is important that you travel slowly, watch for cars and model safe and responsible behavior. 
ARRIVAL – Supervision begins at 8:55 am.. There are staff members on duty in both the Fourth Street playground entrance, Bus entrance and the parent carline areas. When students arrive, they go straight into the building at their designated student entrance. Students go directly to their assigned homeroom, unless picking up breakfast. **For the first few weeks of school, additional staff will be available to assist students inside the building to their classrooms. **
BUS – Staff meet children at the bus and direct them to their assigned entrance and classrooms.
WALKERS – Students enter the building through the walker door ( Fourth Street Playground)and go directly to their classrooms.
CARLINE – Use Fourth Street and please be prepared to wait as the road becomes congested during the busy times of the day. After dropping off your children, proceed to the exit via Second Street.
- Drop-off and pick up of Car Riders will occur at the canopy at the back of the building. All cars must enter from Fourth Street and may only drop-off/pick up their students in the designated drop off/pick up area. For the safety of the students, this is the only location for drop off and pick up of students who are driven to/from school.
** Parents/Guardians utilizing the carline should remain inside their vehicles for efficiency and allow students to enter the building quickly and safely. **
BREAKFAST - Breakfast is free for all students. Students must pick up breakfast in the cafeteria and then eat the breakfast in the classroom.
DISMISSAL– It is important to provide any changes in your child’s dismissal plan with an email or written note addressed to your child's homeroom teacher and the office. We will not permit a child to alter his/her daily dismissal (or transportation) without a written note or email from the parent. Children are permitted to ride only their assigned buses. It is important to be on time to pick up students by 3:40pm as supervision is not available after dismissal.
BUS – Teachers keep their students in the classroom and utilize a Soundless Dismissal Procedure. The students will wait for their bus numbers to be highlighted in the classroom. Please be aware that bus schedules are being established within the first few weeks of school, thus the bus may not arrive exactly at the time scheduled. A fifteen minute variance during this time is normal. It also takes time for the transportation department to balance student loads on buses.
WALKERS- Children are considered a “walker” if they may independently walk out of the building without meeting a parent. Students should exit the building via the walker door.
CARLINE - Each family will be given a placard to be used by all children in the family. To facilitate pick up, all parents/guardians are asked to write their family last name on the placard and post it in the passenger window so that it is visible to staff. Teachers will dismiss the students to the Carline door. Students will be called as the cars are lined up. We request that parents remain in the car. Students are only to enter their car from the curb side (right side).Drop-Off and Pick-Up always utilizes the Parent Carline lot.
NORTH PENN EXTENDED SCHOOL CARE – The North Penn School District provides a before and after school care program. The program is provided in the school cafeteria and begins at 7am for parents who need to drop their children off before the normal arrival time. The after care program begins at dismissal at 3:40pm and continues until 6:00pm. Extended Care drop off/pick up occurs from the loading dock in the rear of the Parent Carline lot. If you are interested in having your child involved in this program, please contact the North Penn Extended School Care Program directly at (215) 853-1039 for further information.
If you’re stopping at the school for a brief time during the day (i.e. picking up children from the Health Suite), park in the parking lot in front of the school, near the main entrance.
NEVER drive or park in the BUS LANE at any time throughout the day. This is a safety hazard.
Please do not park in the handicapped parking spaces unless you have a handicapped tag for your vehicle.
No supervision is provided prior to 9:00am. Please do not drop off your child on school grounds, unattended.
Once on school grounds, please follow the speed limit of 5 MPH and be aware of people walking near the area.
Instruct your child to cross the parking lot/roads only where the sign on the road indicates.
Reports must be made by 9:30am. A "Safe at Home" call will be attempted for students who are marked absent by the teacher.
Using your Infinite Campus parent app, select “More” then “Absence Request.” Select the checkbox next to the student's name to be included
in the Absence Request (multiple students can be selected for a request). Click the dropdown menu under “Excuse” to select the appropriate
excuse. (Please note: if you know your child will be out of school ahead of time, you can preschedule the absence using the app.)
Infinite Campus is the location for student schedules, grades, report cards, contact information and many other things. If you are having trouble with Infinite Campus (log in issues, missing information, etc.) please email [email protected].
LUNCH- Parents/guardians may add money to and monitor their child's lunch account via School Cafe. Students may bring a packed lunch or buy lunch in the Cafeteria. Families may also apply online for free/reduced meals. School menus can be found online. 
BREAKFAST- Breakfast is free for ALL North Penn students this year. Students will need to go to the Cafeteria as soon as they arrive to pick up breakfast with their school ID.
SNACK- Students should bring a snack daily. Please note that we have an increasing number of students with potential life-threatening allergies; therefore our classrooms are peanut-free.
Here is a short tutorial on Infinite Campus Absence Requests.