Contact NP OotM


If there is no coordinator listed, please contact Joanne Wiernusz.

NPSD OotM District Coordinator
Joanne Wiernusz, [email protected]

NPSD OotM Building Coordinators
*Please email Joanne Wiernusz if you'd like to
  be the NP OM Contact for your school

Bridle Path Elementary

Gwyn-Nor Elementary

Gwynedd Square Elementary

Hatfield Elementary


Inglewood Elementary
Kathy Heath [email protected]

Knapp Elementary


Kulp Elementary

Montgomery Elementary

Nash Elementary

Cortney Murphy, [email protected]

North Wales Elementary

Oak Park Elementary


Walton Farm Elementary

York Avenue Elementary

Pennbrook Middle School
Rebecca Fahrmeier, [email protected]

Penndale Middle School

Karen Nevard, [email protected]

Pennfield Middle School

North Penn High School
Joanne Wiernusz, [email protected]